Born in Reynosa, Mexico, my family and I had to flee to the United States due to the insecurity and cartel violence. Growing up in McAllen, Texas, I have always lived on the border between two countries and cultures. Through my education and search, I have found this appeal towards both cultures in the artist that inspires me and follows. Creating a duality through my life and work between Mexico and the USA, Security and Freedom, and my double major in Finance and Art.
Through my practice and creation of work, I have always been attracted to bold colors, abstract shapes, and liberating movements. Bold colors come from my background, seeing Mexican neighborhoods and festive colors. This has only been exemplified through my search in art history, connecting my work to Carlos Almaraz, a great LA artist. The abstract shapes have come through a response of simplification through muralist works like Diego Rivera and more contemporary artists like Rosales-Silva. Liberating movements has come through my learning of abstract expressionism in American artists like William DeKooning and their form of creating and responding to the paint.
I am fascinated by creating layers hidden with figures and color combinations, yearning for the viewer to come closer. I want them to spend time and respond to my piece. That is why I also enjoy focusing on a central figurative abstraction, where I play with the perspective and simplification of its shapes to make the viewer question what they are seeing. This came from my fascination with the nude, yet I hated showing something so intimate to the public. By abstracting an object, I make it more personal to the viewer, making them spend more time with the piece and determine whether what they see is correct. Through my practice and creation of work, I have always been attracted to bold colors, abstract shapes, and liberating movements. Bold colors come from my background, seeing Mexican neighborhoods and festive colors. This has only been exemplified through my search in art history, connecting my work to Carlos Almaraz, a great LA artist. The abstract shapes have come through a response of simplification through muralist works like Diego Rivera and more contemporary artists like Rosales-Silva. Liberating movements has come through my learning of abstract expressionism in American artists like William DeKooning and their form of creating and responding to the paint.
Born in Reynosa, Mexico my family and I had to flee to the United States due to the insecurity and cartel violence. Growing up in McAllen, Texas, I have always lived on the border between two countries and cultures. From my elementary school art classes in Mexico to my painting classes in middle school, I loved being creative. However, my high school printmaking class made me realize it was my passion- a passion to create. Now, as a Trinity University student pursuing an Art major, my artwork has manifested itself in many unique forms.
My work is a collage of different experiences that meet together to create a single moment. Focusing mostly on oil paintings my artworks center around themes of duality, nature, and the self. Creating gives me fulfillment as I leave something of myself behind that others connect to and appreciate on their own level.
Processing, The Michale and Noemie Niedorff Art Gallery, San Antonio, TX, USA
San Antonio Art League Museum, San Antonio, TX, USA
The Mini, The Michale and Noemi Neidorff Art Gallery, San Antonio, TX, USA
Alternate Timelines, Culture Collective, San Antonio, TX, USA
The Shit Show, Not For You Gallery, San Antonio, TX, USA
End of Summer Show, New York Academy of Art, New York, NY, USA
Trinity Art Collective, Dicke Art Gallery, San Antonio, TX, USA
Encuentro En La Frontera, Petrina Cultural Center, Brownsville TX, USA
Excellence in Art Award, Trinity University
Baker Duncan Art Scholarship